Vergangenes Webinar

How to create a connected, secure office, ready for your return

  • Online
  • 4 Mär 2021
  • 15:00 - 15:30 Vereinigtes Königreich

The traditional office needs to change to get ready for the return of employees.

In its place a new, connected office will emerge, ready for the future. Combining more agile remote and home working with a safer approach for those returning to the corporate space. All with inherent flexibility to deal with whatever happens next.

In our virtual roundtable, together with Cisco, we explore what you need to consider when creating a more resilient office, including:

  • connecting your teams, no matter where they are working 
  • creating resilience through a more responsive infrastructure 
  • securing your new world approach
  • the questions you need to be asking to ensure you’re making the right infrastructure choices to support this.

We will also share exclusive joint research into the LAN services you need to support your return to the office.



Watch the replay >
