Nutzen Sie die Vorteile von Microsoft Teams voll aus

Erweitern Sie Ihre Sprachplattform mit den neuesten Funktionen für die Online-Zusammenarbeit.


Die fortschrittlichen Cloud-basierten Collaboration-Funktionen der Microsoft Team-Plattform sind erfreuliche Entwicklungen, aber wenn es keine Integration in Ihre bestehenden Sprachplattformen gibt, kann dies die Effektivität des Systems beeinträchtigen.

Was wäre, wenn Ihre Mitarbeiter aus der Teamumgebung heraus Nummern außerhalb der Microsoft-Cloud anrufen könnten? Und was wäre, wenn man die Plattform so erweitern würde, dass man sich auf belastbare Netzwerke, zuverlässige Sicherheit und modernste Sprachfähigkeit verlassen könnte?

Wir führen Microsoft-Teams für intelligente Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit unseren globalen Sprach- und Netzwerkdiensten zusammen und bieten Ihnen einen kontrollierten End-to-End-Service mit erweiterter Überwachung und einer Auswahl an Sprachtarifen. Dadurch entfallen Ihre Probleme bei der Systemintegration und dem Management, und Ihre Mitarbeiter erhalten ein voll integriertes, funktionsreiches und hoch belastbares Set von UC-Tools - alles innerhalb der ihnen bekannten Teamoberfläche.

Featured products

We’ve combined our global SIP services with Microsoft Teams to give you a direct routing capability which provides PSTN calling to Microsoft Teams. We offer you:

  • direct routing solutions, including session border controller configuration and management
  • a choice of voice calling plans over our global SIP network, according to your requirements
  • administration and management of Microsoft Teams providing an end-to-end service wrap
  • integration services to existing voice platforms, ensuring continued use of existing investments
  • advanced quality of experience monitoring, so your end users get the most out of Teams.

We’re a key global launch partner for the Microsoft Teams Direct Routing service.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Empfohlene Produkte

We’ve combined our global SIP services with Microsoft Teams to give you a direct routing capability which provides PSTN calling to Microsoft Teams. We offer you:

  • direct routing solutions, including session border controller configuration and management
  • a choice of voice calling plans over our global SIP network, according to your requirements
  • administration and management of Microsoft Teams providing an end-to-end service wrap
  • integration services to existing voice platforms, ensuring continued use of existing investments
  • advanced quality of experience monitoring, so your end users get the most out of Teams.

We’re a key global launch partner for the Microsoft Teams Direct Routing service.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Featured products

We’ve combined our global SIP services with Microsoft Teams to give you a direct routing capability which provides PSTN calling to Microsoft Teams. We offer you:

  • direct routing solutions, including session border controller configuration and management
  • a choice of voice calling plans over our global SIP network, according to your requirements
  • administration and management of Microsoft Teams providing an end-to-end service wrap
  • integration services to existing voice platforms, ensuring continued use of existing investments
  • advanced quality of experience monitoring, so your end users get the most out of Teams.

We’re a key global launch partner for the Microsoft Teams Direct Routing service.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Featured products

We’ve combined our global SIP services with Microsoft Teams to give you a direct routing capability which provides PSTN calling to Microsoft Teams. We offer you:

  • direct routing solutions, including session border controller configuration and management
  • a choice of voice calling plans over our global SIP network, according to your requirements
  • administration and management of Microsoft Teams providing an end-to-end service wrap
  • integration services to existing voice platforms, ensuring continued use of existing investments
  • advanced quality of experience monitoring, so your end users get the most out of Teams.

We’re a key global launch partner for the Microsoft Teams Direct Routing service.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist