Blog · 14 Jun 2021

It’s time for a culture change in collaboration

Despite embracing new collaboration tools, your organisation might not have had a chance to properly integrate them for the future of work. Now’s the ideal time.

Head of digital workplace user adoption

We’re at a pivotal moment, as offices and businesses finally begin to reopen, many are using the ‘return to the office’ as a way of reshaping their organisation.

It’s important you help your employees feel ready for this next step. Since this year has forced us to adapt at a whirlwind pace, leaving many organisations in unchartered territory, your people are likely to welcome some sound guidance and helpful training. This is the ideal time to review your collaboration tools, make sure they’re being used effectively and embed the correct culture around their ongoing use.

Why not take the opportunity to steer your organisation in the right direction with everyone on board?

Why you need to review your existing ways of working

When lockdown began, User Adoption (UA) of new collaboration tools wasn’t an issue as employees had to use them in order to do their jobs. But now, as we enter a new phase, it’s time to make sure these tools are being used in the right way. If organisations don't focus on governance and control to make sure the correct policies and tools are embraced now, then practices that could be detrimental in the long run will become entrenched. Below, I’ve outlined three steps to help you build an effective UA plan for the future of work:

1) Review your current set up

Start by discovering what your users are really doing at the moment and how they’re working. They may not be collaborating exactly as you think they are. Now’s the time to use advanced monitoring and reporting when it comes to collaboration and ask yourself: What tools and devices are my people using and are they using them in the right way? Are these tools effective and secure for the long-term? Do they know how to use the tools properly? Look at the culture your current collaboration methods are driving and determine whether they’ll be productive and positive for the future.

2) Know your vision for the future

Create a plan that works based on your overall business strategy. What are your organisation’s business goals? What’s your present working model and will it stay that way? Some organisations want to return to the way things were, some want  a hybrid working approach and some want the ability to work from anywhere. During lockdown, we saw organisations that were forced to introduce tools which they now plan to remove. It’s important to continue to give your people choice but be clear about their options. Be open and communicate your roadmap and vision for the future. Developing collaboration technology in a silo is less likely to meet your business needs. Think about the impact of your current collaboration tools and how they help (or perhaps don’t help) achieve your business goals.

3) Re-engage with your people

Build a value proposition that outlines the right communications approach, then think about how your people will respond and how to get them onboard. A training programme is a great idea, especially if there are certain tools which users are struggling to adopt. Don’t assume everyone in your business has become tech-savvy overnight, some people may need additional support. It’s a great idea to build a continuous learning culture, so that your users are always improving their skillset and they feel comfortable with any new technology or future developments. Take your people along with you on the journey, always explaining the reasons behind your decisions and the benefits for the business. Provide guidance on how to use, why to use, and when to use each collaboration tool.

Embrace this moment of change and make sure your collaboration tools are fit for the future of work. If you need some support with your user adoption plans, then we’re here to help. Please get in touch with your account manager today to find out more. And if you’d like to explore our insights on unlocking the future of work – covering the three crucial pillars of collaboration, infrastructure and security – please read our whitepaper.
