Obtenez une visibilité et une maîtrise complètes de vos applications

Une meilleure compréhension de votre réseau est synonyme de meilleures performances.

Vue d'ensemble

Vous souhaitez comprendre quelles applications s'exécutent sur votre réseau et quelles sont leurs performances, leur santé et leurs exigences en bande passante..

Mais vous avez peut-être des difficultés à obtenir cette image d'ensemble, surtout si vous exécutez des applications à partir du cloud, plutôt qu'au niveau de votre infrastructure.

Pour bénéficier d'une maîtrise opérationnelle complète, vous avez besoin d'une visibilité de bout en bout de l'ensemble de votre parc TIC (Technologies de l'information et de la communication), indépendamment de la portée géographique ou du fournisseur. Cela contribue à améliorer vos performances, à hiérarchiser vos services et à gérer votre bande passante.

Il existe des spécialistes des services applicatifs, qui possèdent un vaste bagage en matière de services d'accélération et d'intelligence réseau et qui proposent également désormais un routage de type SD-WAN. Nous nous associons aux meilleurs prestataires de services applicatifs du marché, tels que Riverbed et InfoVista.

Vous pouvez aussi obtenir la maîtrise et la visibilité voulues au moyen d'un simple portail avec une solution SD-WAN. Mais ce qui fait notre spécificité, c'est notre approche « Service Intelligence », qui vous donne une visibilité de bout en bout sur l'ensemble de votre parc TIC, afin de vous aider à minimiser les temps d'arrêt opérationnel.

Chaque approche présente différents avantages. Mais ce qui compte, c'est quelles s'accompagnent d'une gestion solide et qu'elles reposent sur un réseau qui vous donne les performances dont vous avez besoin.

Featured products

Buying more bandwidth to support your bandwidth-hungry applications is an expensive and not really the best solution. Our Connect Intelligence services can improve the performance of your applications and processes because they:

  • monitor their performance and that of your network
  • run diagnostics and provide acceleration and optimisation, and
  • can deliver SD-WAN style routing.

We partner with the leading providers, such as InfoVista and Riverbed, offering hardware and cloud-based solutions, and we’re the first to launch brand new, flexible commercial models for their services. We also offer the experience and expertise to ensure a successful solution.

As a digital business, your network needs the right technology to enable it to be flexible, secure and agile.

You also need to integrate the old with the new, all while controlling spend. We can help you achieve this.

First we define your desired business outcomes and uncover the true state of your IT infrastructure to make informed decisions, based on fact.

We can then help you understand the benefits of a future networking strategy so that together we create a vision for the future and a transformation roadmap.

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Agile Connect is our unique SD-WAN solution. It’s ideal for branch solutions, offering fast, simple site set-up, easy control and our added security wrap.

Because it’s an SD-WAN, you can meet additional bandwidth demand and improve the performance of your priority applications.

It’s unique to us because it’s built on, and integrated into, our global network, plus it’s controlled through our portal - the same portal you can use to control your wider network services. It comes already built with regional gateways, hub connectivity, and added security including against cyber attacks. You can control the service yourself, or we can control it for you, and our service wrap will make sure you have a successful solution.

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This fully managed, secure solution is delivered using our experience in large scale deployment and application management.

We offer best-of-breed reporting and analytics to improve your SD-WAN visibility and control.   

Our managed solution is a great choice as you migrate towards a software-enabled service. It lets you:

  • see your whole network online
  • better route your important applications
  • stay secure with an encrypted network
  • use orchestration to integrate your other services more easily
  • scale your network as it becomes more complex.

And, if needed, our dedicated specialist team can also do the configuration and maintenance of your SD-WAN service in-life.

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Take the guesswork out of your network.  Get a complete view of application performance and end user experience, no matter where they log in from.

Thinking of digital transformation?  Like Cloud migration, SD-WAN and need to measure before and after, then VaaS has your back.

VaaS goes further than standard tools and spans all of your complex infrastructure, giving detailed digital monitoring down to end user devices. And that means your IT teams can quickly understand and resolve problems without finger-pointing.  VaaS technology is agile, securely hosted with simple price per user commercials so you can start low and grow.

It gives a single portal for all your network infrastructure, not just parts of it, so you can evolve your business with understanding.

VaaS addresses common challenges like:

  •  Visibility of user issues that have not been reported to service teams
  •  Too much time spent validating user reports
  •  Spiralling costs of hardware and software licensing
  •  Guesstimating the impact change has on the business
  •  Articulating the value that IT brings to your business.

We have the experts to help you find the insight you’re looking for. 

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Produits présentés

Buying more bandwidth to support your bandwidth-hungry applications is an expensive and not really the best solution. Our Connect Intelligence services can improve the performance of your applications and processes because they:

  • monitor their performance and that of your network
  • run diagnostics and provide acceleration and optimisation, and
  • can deliver SD-WAN style routing.

We partner with the leading providers, such as InfoVista and Riverbed, offering hardware and cloud-based solutions, and we’re the first to launch brand new, flexible commercial models for their services. We also offer the experience and expertise to ensure a successful solution.

The time and cost of shipping, installing and maintaining network hardware are huge, so the virtualisation of these services is a revolutionary change for networks. Our Connect Services Platform lets you virtualise your own functions and add to leading solutions, such as Checkpoint, InfoVista and Riverbed. These are deployed on your edge device (our Connect Edge portfolio), and you can choose from a range of Cisco ENCS for your different site types.

You can have a solution which is a simple evolution of your existing Cisco estate, where you can create your own sandbox of VNFs and you can take advantage of our expertise and trials to make sure your solution is a success.

Want to know more?

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As a digital business, your network needs the right technology to enable it to be flexible, secure and agile.

You also need to integrate the old with the new, all while controlling spend. We can help you achieve this.

First we define your desired business outcomes and uncover the true state of your IT infrastructure to make informed decisions, based on fact.

We can then help you understand the benefits of a future networking strategy so that together we create a vision for the future and a transformation roadmap.

Want to know more?

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Agile Connect is our unique SD-WAN solution. It’s ideal for branch solutions, offering fast, simple site set-up, easy control and our added security wrap.

Because it’s an SD-WAN, you can meet additional bandwidth demand and improve the performance of your priority applications.

It’s unique to us because it’s built on, and integrated into, our global network, plus it’s controlled through our portal - the same portal you can use to control your wider network services. It comes already built with regional gateways, hub connectivity, and added security including against cyber attacks. You can control the service yourself, or we can control it for you, and our service wrap will make sure you have a successful solution.

Want to know more?

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This fully managed, secure solution is delivered using our experience in large scale deployment and application management.

We offer best-of-breed reporting and analytics to improve your SD-WAN visibility and control.   

Our managed solution is a great choice as you migrate towards a software-enabled service. It lets you:

  • see your whole network online
  • better route your important applications
  • stay secure with an encrypted network
  • use orchestration to integrate your other services more easily
  • scale your network as it becomes more complex.

And, if needed, our dedicated specialist team can also do the configuration and maintenance of your SD-WAN service in-life.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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