Gérez vos coûts et vos données dans le cloud public

Contrôlez les performances et la sécurité de vos données tout en réduisant les risques et les coûts.

Vue d'ensemble

Vous connaissez les avantages du cloud public : davantage de flexibilité, davantage de capacité de calcul, d'applications et de services disponibles à la demande, coûts réduits, ainsi qu'une réduction du capital engagé dans des systèmes internes nécessitant un entretien important.

Cependant, la recherche continue des meilleurs services basés sur le cloud nécessite une certaine gestion. Ainsi, au lieu de la simplification attendue, vous vous rendrez peut-être compte que le suivi de votre infrastructure et de votre utilisation du cloud devient de plus en plus difficile.

Que diriez-vous de pouvoir choisir avec facilité et efficacité parmi des services de cloud public tout en gardant le contrôle sur la façon dont votre entreprise adopte les différents clouds ?

Via notre Compute Management System et nos autres solutions de mise en réseau directe, nous pouvons vous offrir un accès et un contrôle immédiats sur les performances et la sécurité de vos données. Vous pouvez gérer Azure, AWS et vos propres clouds privés via un catalogue unique de services. De plus, parce que vous avez la possibilité de préacheter à un tarif réduit et de définir des limites, vous contrôlez mieux vos coûts.

Nos services gérés Compute Hybrid vous permettent de proposer des services identiques dans le monde entier, quel que soit le fournisseur de cloud public que vous avez choisi. Vous disposez ainsi d'un fournisseur unique, ce qui vous permet de réduire les coûts liés à la gestion de vos besoins en matière de services.

Featured products

Our public cloud solutions offer a practical, efficient and secure route into public cloud computing giving you the choice, flexibility and compliance you need.

Our Hybrid Cloud Managed services are platform-agnostic across private and public cloud.

With our services, you can: 

  • order public cloud alongside our portfolio of services on a single contract
  • get the most globally diverse choice of hybrid cloud services from us and our partners, delivered locally
  • get secure, high performance connectivity
  • be secure at all the gateways to the public cloud with Check Point security
  • control your IT infrastructure and apps from anywhere in the world with a single pane of glass
  • benefit from the expertise of our 2,000 highly skilled professional services consultants (with over 500 Microsoft and AWS accreditations)
  • solve regulatory and compliance issues in China
  • leverage our innovation with the leading cloud providers.

Our Compute Hybrid Managed Services remove the headache of globally managing different public and private clouds across your business using a consistent set of services.

Delivered through our global service organisation, you can wrap the following infrastructure:

  • traditional management of private and public cloud platforms
  • infrastructure applications
  • data
  • security
  • network.

You can leverage our skills, global scale and capabilities and use our Compute Management System as a single portal to get consistent control and governance of your IT services. You can also seamlessly migrate and manage workloads using our professional services transformation tools.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Through a self-service portal, you get the tools, resources and flexibility – to put in place perfectly tailored cloud solutions to meet the practical challenges of your business.

Cloud Compute gives you:

  • flexible commercials - you only pay for what you use
  • more speed and agility - create or change your service in response to new demands in seconds
  • flexibility and scalability - scale your public and private clouds to match your changing needs, and bring in new applications as you need them
  • enterprise class security and less risk
  • data sovereignty – you know where you data is hosted at all times, in a location your choice.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Produits présentés

Our public cloud solutions offer a practical, efficient and secure route into public cloud computing giving you the choice, flexibility and compliance you need.

Our Hybrid Cloud Managed services are platform-agnostic across private and public cloud.

With our services, you can: 

  • order public cloud alongside our portfolio of services on a single contract
  • get the most globally diverse choice of hybrid cloud services from us and our partners, delivered locally
  • get secure, high performance connectivity
  • be secure at all the gateways to the public cloud with Check Point security
  • control your IT infrastructure and apps from anywhere in the world with a single pane of glass
  • benefit from the expertise of our 2,000 highly skilled professional services consultants (with over 500 Microsoft and AWS accreditations)
  • solve regulatory and compliance issues in China
  • leverage our innovation with the leading cloud providers.

Our Compute Hybrid Managed Services remove the headache of globally managing different public and private clouds across your business using a consistent set of services.

Delivered through our global service organisation, you can wrap the following infrastructure:

  • traditional management of private and public cloud platforms
  • infrastructure applications
  • data
  • security
  • network.

You can leverage our skills, global scale and capabilities and use our Compute Management System as a single portal to get consistent control and governance of your IT services. You can also seamlessly migrate and manage workloads using our professional services transformation tools.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Through a self-service portal, you get the tools, resources and flexibility – to put in place perfectly tailored cloud solutions to meet the practical challenges of your business.

Cloud Compute gives you:

  • flexible commercials - you only pay for what you use
  • more speed and agility - create or change your service in response to new demands in seconds
  • flexibility and scalability - scale your public and private clouds to match your changing needs, and bring in new applications as you need them
  • enterprise class security and less risk
  • data sovereignty – you know where you data is hosted at all times, in a location your choice.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Our Managed Cloud Security is a service that combines leading cloud security solutions with our managed services and security consulting.

We offer a number of cloud-based security features that you can select, either as standalone items or bundled packages.

You don’t have to purchase or maintain any hardware, and you don’t have to manage the software licences.

Other benefits of moving to managed cloud security include:

  • getting effective, up-to-date defence
  • reducing costs and management
  • extending your current investments
  • protecting your reputation and data
  • maintaining control
  • plugging web security gaps and protecting all your users.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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