


5 key considerations when choosing a cloud managed service provider

  • Online
  • 19 1月 2021
  • 15:00 - 15:30 GMT

The decisions you take now about your cloud strategy will undoubtably impact your business in the future. So, how do you know you’re making the best choices?

It all starts with picking the right managed service provider.

In our webinar, together with VMware, we explore: 

  • the value of a managed service provider in delivering a hybrid cloud strategy
  • the top 5 most important considerations when working with a managed service provider
  • the criteria you need to make a fair evaluation.


  • Dave Funnell, Senior cloud provider manager, VMware 
  • David Simpkins, General manager, managed services and public cloud, BT
  • Sujoy Mukherjee, Product manager, Private cloud, BT
  • Maurice Nettesheim, Head of cloud compute and shared service portfolio, BT


Watch the replay >
