


How do you redefine user adoption success for the future of work?

  • Online
  • 22 7月 2021
  • 15:00 - 15:30 英国

Global organisations are at a pivotal moment, with establishing what their hybrid work strategy will be, in parallel to overcoming cultural and digital adoption challenges as they rapidly transform and adapt to the future of work.

Defining true user adoption success is tricky and often deceptive, as high adoption rates can often be misinterpreted and disguised as success… when the reality is they don’t always correlate with achieving the desired goals of the business.

How can organisations steer their workforces in the right direction with a culture of continuous learning, and ensure everyone is on-board?

Join us and our partner Future Worx on 22 July, as we explore how to redefine the meaning of user adoption success to align with the future of work.



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