

Command and control

Give your operations team the critical communications tools they need

关键词 BT Command
分类目录 安全

Our Command solution offers a high-capacity communications console for dispatch operations professionals.

It combines collaboration, telephony and radio communications into a single platform.

Command helps:

  • increase operations room staff effectiveness with the communication tools they need in one place
  • visualise, prioritise, and action various types of communications through a rich, high-capacity user interface
  • give your operators the visibility and information they need to make the best possible decision, fast
  • your operators contact the right people immediately, improving effectiveness, resulting in better outcomes, greater efficiency and improved field force safety
  • improve the safety of field staff by making sure they have immediate communications when they need help
  • integrate with operational control systems to provide early warning alerts of system issues so you can preposition your resources to fix faults.
