Blog · 26 Apr 2021

What the indirect market needs to know about changing trends in voice

Enterprise customers are looking to telecoms resellers and system integrators to supply innovative approaches to voice.

This year is seeing telecoms resellers and system integrators facing a fresh wave of challenges from their end customers that focus on the flexibility, quality and simplicity of their voice services.

I’m having a lot of conversations with our channel partners about the latest possibilities for voice technology, and it’s interesting how vital voice still is to their customers in today’s world.

It might be tempting to dismiss it as an old technology, but demand for high quality voice transport and termination continues to increase. Although voice is clearly here to stay, what’s changing is how the service is delivered, particularly in terms of how it’s integrated with data networks and software-based voice platforms.

New vistas for voice

In response to a rapid and widespread shift to homeworking, the use of collaboration software has skyrocketed, potentially meaning the end of the road for the traditional desk phone and fixed phone estate. Organisations are asking for more flexibility from their voice infrastructure to keep up with new ways of working and to support them as they scale their offices up and down to meet changing demand.

In some cases, it’s the providers of over-the-top software-based communication services that don’t have their own network but are looking to embed high-quality, flexible voice services into their products and to integrate with their existing solutions.

Contact centre operators are also looking for a new take on voice. For them, call quality is crucial, particularly since the contact centre has become such an important way for end users to stay close to brands during the pandemic. Our recent research underlines how end users turn to call a contact centre when they have a complex issue, wanting the reassurance of talking to an agent when they’re dealing with high value transactions, and a crystal-clear conversation is vital to finding a resolution.

The next step in voice transport and termination

Organisations are finding that a SIP solution ticks their list of requirements and are eager to explore its potential with their telecoms provider.

Sending their international, public and on-net traffic across their existing data networks offers the flexibility, quality and simplicity they want from voice technology, while cutting costs. Routing voice and video over the internet with a SIP solution is extremely cost effective. Plus, it means they can replace expensive legacy technology and remove associated maintenance costs.

We know that simplicity is a priority for organisations trying to break into a global market through organic expansion or through acquisitions. As a result, customers are asking telecoms resellers and system integrators for ways to smooth their journey to high-quality international voice across multiple countries. They want help with achieving an efficient, compliant and secure voice service, and are ready to leave their PSTN system behind.

Global SIP for telecoms resellers and systems integrators

Our One Voice Global SIP is designed to meet all these specifications so that telecoms resellers and system integrators can meet their customers’ needs and help them grow their global footprint.

We understand that compliance and security are fundamental requirements, so we’ve built them into our solution. We’ve worked through the compliance aspects of every country, so you don’t have to, and we’ve also embedded the enterprise grade security we use to protect all our internet connectivity.

Our partnership approach is flexible. We can help you expand the coverage you offer outside your home country, via a white label offering. Or we can be a more visible partner, working alongside you to serve your customer.

To find out more about One Voice Global SIP, please get in touch with your account manager. 
