Proteja sus datos y asegure el cumplimiento de la normativa

Evite poner en riesgo su marca, la confianza del consumidor y la continuidad del negocio.

Descripción general

A medida que el mundo digital continúa creciendo, los perímetros de seguridad tradicionales están cambiando.

Los datos importantes y personales se han distribuido de forma más amplia y corren más riesgo de ciberamenazas.  

Debe asegurarse de que cada proceso, aplicación y área de su infraestructura gire en torno a la protección de la privacidad. Significa revisar los controles y procesos de seguridad y utilizar una hoja de ruta estructurada con una combinación de medidas de seguridad preventivas, de detección, proactivas y reactivas. 

Podemos ofrecerle protección completa extremo a extremo o compromisos a corto plazo para apoyarle en cualquier momento de su recorrido hacia el cumplimiento. Nuestros servicios de seguridad gestionados también pueden ayudarle a abordar cualquier brecha de seguridad específica. 

Significa que estará mejor equipado para cumplir con nuevas regulaciones como el Reglamento general de protección de datos de la UE (o GDPR). Y es lo mejor, ya que cualquier infracción en el cumplimiento del GDPR no solo le costaría a su negocio una multa de hasta el 4% de su facturación anual global, sino que también podría poner en riesgo su marca, la confianza del consumidor y la continuidad del negocio.

Featured products

BT Managed Network Access Control (NAC)

The explosion in the number and type of devices connecting to your network, with emerging trends like Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Internet of Things (IoT), Operational Technology (OT) and virtualised appliances, significantly expands your attack surface – but are invisible to most security products. In contrast, BT Managed Network Access Control (NAC) Security provides 100% device visibility across all IP endpoints as a foundation of your network security.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

If you’re rushing to deploy new technologies across your business, failing to address the security considerations of your transformation could land you on the wrong side of an ever-growing list of regulations.

We can:

  • help you evaluate your current adherence to regulations, so you can adopt a standardised data security process that ensures compliance across the board
  •  help you embed security risk management at each level of your business, so risks and threats are understood and appropriately managed throughout your organisation
  • help you gain a thorough understanding of how data moves around your network and build a strong foundation of trust with your customers, partners and shareholders.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Diamond IP is our IP address management (IPAM) solution which streamlines management of your entire IPv4 and IPv6 address lifecycle across your premises, branch remote, private and public cloud domains. We offer software, hardware and virtual appliance (private and public) products, as well as managed IPAM services.

We facilitate multi-cloud IPAM with virtual appliances for AWS, Azure, Oracle VM, VMware, Hyper-V and others. And our cloud automation appliance dynamically automates the assignment and tracking of private and public cloud instance IP addresses and DNS names. Our DNS security products supplement your defense in depth security strategy at the DNS layer.


Productos destacados

If you’re rushing to deploy new technologies across your business, failing to address the security considerations of your transformation could land you on the wrong side of an ever-growing list of regulations.

We can:

  • help you evaluate your current adherence to regulations, so you can adopt a standardised data security process that ensures compliance across the board
  •  help you embed security risk management at each level of your business, so risks and threats are understood and appropriately managed throughout your organisation
  • help you gain a thorough understanding of how data moves around your network and build a strong foundation of trust with your customers, partners and shareholders.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Diamond IP is our IP address management (IPAM) solution which streamlines management of your entire IPv4 and IPv6 address lifecycle across your premises, branch remote, private and public cloud domains. We offer software, hardware and virtual appliance (private and public) products, as well as managed IPAM services.

We facilitate multi-cloud IPAM with virtual appliances for AWS, Azure, Oracle VM, VMware, Hyper-V and others. And our cloud automation appliance dynamically automates the assignment and tracking of private and public cloud instance IP addresses and DNS names. Our DNS security products supplement your defense in depth security strategy at the DNS layer.