Blog · 13 Jul 2018

Why monitoring can give your users the best possible experience

Spotting issues with your unified communications can take longer than with your network. Here’s how the right monitoring tool can keep you on the front foot.

Andrew Small
Digital Solutions Director

Spotting issues with your unified communications can take much longer than with your network.

But just as with your network, any downtime risks hitting your bottom line, not to mention incurring the wrath of your users. 

To maintain an agile, well-performing communications network, you need visibility of how your systems are performing end-to-end. But the unified comms landscape is often complex and involves multi-vendor technology and legacy apps. And as complexity increases, your visibility can be reduced and troubleshooting can become lengthy and difficult.

The right monitoring tool can let you keep an eagle eye on any potential issues, and stop them before they affect your users. 

Here are the top three pain points we’ve spotted whilst helping hundreds of customers give their users the best possible experience. 


Pain point #1: You have to trawl through systems one by one to find the problem

Imagine if security looking after an office block could only look at one room at a time on their screens. It sounds ridiculous – but IT teams do exactly that, jumping from vendor to vendor to work out what’s wrong.

Experience management tools let you keep an eye on your whole communications network in a single view, in real time. In dashboards you define, you can see information on things like call quality, service availability, and how people are using the tools. So not only can you spot problems quicker, you can use the data to keep improving your employees’ experience.


Pain point #2: You’re always playing catch up

Sometimes it can feel like all you’re doing is putting out fires – getting to problems just after they’ve happened. And by then, chances are your users are already unhappy.

But what if you could stay firmly on the front foot, able to spot potential issues before they happen? Rather than waiting for a voice quality issue to crop up on the call, monitoring can alert you of any potential voice gateway problems, so you can get them fixed. 


Pain point #3: It’s hard to show ROI

You need to be able to clearly show how well unified communications is helping you cut costs and complexity, at the same time as giving users a better experience.

Monitoring lets you find and fix web performance issues before users are affected, helps you pinpoint the potential issues that can negatively influence end-users and gives you more transparency. 

Let’s talk about how we can give your users the best experience possible with  One Cloud monitoring. Or find out more about how mobile and collaboration services can boost your productivity.
